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Scientific Program | ||
Joint Symposium on Molten Salts aims to bring together chemists and
engineers from academics and industry in a productive, manageable
ambience for molten salts and ionic liquids. The scope of the symposium
ranges from advanced preparation techniques to resulting new properties
and industrial applications. |
Plenary Lectures | ||
Professor Pierre Turq |
"Molecular simulation of molten salts
mixtures: a predictive tool" Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Department of Physical Chemistry |
Professor Mike Goff |
"Treatment of Spent Nuclear Fuel with
Molten Salts" Director, Fuel Cycle Programs, Idaho National Laboratory This lecture is co-sponsored by Japan Atomic Society. |
Dr Makoto Ue |
"Application of ionic liquids to energy
storage devices" Fellow, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation |
Keynote Lectures | ||
Dr. Catherine Bessada |
"Molten Salts Reactors: in situ NMR and
EXAFS Description of the Oxides Influence in ThF4 and ZrF4
Based Fluoride Melts" CNRS CEMHTI |
Professor Michel Cassir |
"Molten Carbonate Science for Varied
Fuel Cells Devices" Lab. of Electrochemistry & Analytical Chemistry |
Professor Shigehito Deki |
"Properties of Molten Carbonates
Coexisting with Porous Inorganic Powder" Kobe Univ. |
Professor Marcelle Gaune-Escard |
"Lanthanide-alkali metal halide systems:
characterization and prediction of phase diagram topology" Ecole Polytechnique, Mecanique Energetique |
Dr. Tadashi Inoue |
"Pyroprocessing Technology Development
in Japan" Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry |
Prof. Yasuhiko Iwadate |
"Local Structure Analyses of Rare Earth
Chloride - Alkali Chloride Systems: Approaches from Fundamentals to
Pyrochemical Reprocessing" Chiba Uni. |
Prof. Ken-ichiro Ota |
"R&D Status on Molten Carbonate Fuel
Cells in Japan" Yokohama National Univ. |
Professor Zhiyu Qiao |
"Activity Measurement Using EMF Method
with Molten KCL-LiCl Electrolyte" Univ. of Science and Technology, China |
Prof. Marie-Louise Saboungi |
"From Molten Salts to Ionic Liquids: Old
Wine in New Bottles?" CRMD, CNRS-Universite d'Orleans |
Prof. Pierre Taxil |
"Electroreduction Processes for Alloys
Electrowinning" Univ. Paul Sabatier, Laboratoire de Genie Chimique |
Invited Lectures | ||
Sylvie Delpech |
"Optimization of Reprocessing Scheme for Innovative Molten Salt Reactor" CNRS |
Derek J Fray |
"Electrochemical and Microscopic Studies on Reduction of Nb2O5-SnO2 Pellets in Molten CaCl2-NaCl Eutectic" Dept. of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Univ. of Cambridge |
Klaus Funke |
"Broadband Conductivities and Fluidities of Fragile Ionic Liquids" Muenster Univ., Inst. of Physical Chemistry |
Rika Hagiwara |
"Fluorohydrogenate Ionic Liquids -Their Unique Feature and New Applications-" Kyoto Univ. |
Masanori Inui |
"Collective Dynamics in Molten CuCl Observed by High-Resolution Inelastic X-ray Scattering at SPring-8" Hiroshima Univ. |
Yukinobu Kawakita |
"Anomalous Cation Distribution of Molten Noble-metal Halides" Kyushu Univ. |
Naoaki Kumagai |
"Synthesis of Alkali Metal Ion-Exchanged Hollandite-type MnO2 in Alkali Metal Molten Salts and Electrochemical Properties for Lithium Battery Electrodes" Iwate Univ. |
Hajime Matsumoto |
"Effect of Cationic Structure on Electrochemical and Physical Properties of Aliphatic Quaternary Ammonium Ionic Liquids Based on TFSA" National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology - Kansai |
Morio Matsunaga |
"Electrodeposition of Al-Mn Alloy from BMP-TFSI Ionic Liquid" Kyushu Inst. of Technology |
Gerd Maurer |
"Gas Solubility in Ionic Liquids" Univ. of Kaiserslautern |
Toru H. Okabe |
"Recent Topics on Titanium and Silicon Production Technologies" Univ. of Tokyo |
Nobuo Otsuka |
"An Acid-base Reaction for Fused LiCl-41m/oKCl Melt Equilbrated with Gas Atmospheres Containing HCl, H2O, and O2 at 873K" Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. |
Christian Simon |
"Virtual pH-paper: a Method to Predict Hammet Acidity of Liquids from ab initio Molecular Dynamics" Pierre et Marie Curie Univ |
Toshihiro Tanaka |
"Evaluation of Physico-chemical Properties of Moten Salt Mixtures" Osaka Univ. |
Akimasa Tasaka |
"Electrolytic Conductivities of Some Molten Fluorides" Doshisha Univ. |
Xianran Xing |
"Morphology Controlled Synthesis of
Some Peroveskite Compounds in Molten Salts" Univ. of Science and Technology Beijing |
Hongmin Zhu |
"Anode Process of Carbon Electrode in Molten Fluorides" Univ. of Science and Technology |