Instruction for Authors


  1. The page size must be A4 size (210 mm x 297 mm).
  2. The margins are 24 mm (top), 26 mm (bottom), 20 mm (left) and 20 mm (right).
  3. The fonts for text must be Times New Roman.
  4. Please do not use such formats as centering, column, bold and italic except for super- and subscripts.

Title, Authors' names and Affiliations

  1. Title, authors' names and affiliations should be written as follows.


Information for Authors to Submit the Manuscript to MOLTEN SALTS
(Blank line)
Department of High Temperature, Faculty of Engineering, Molten Salt University
E-mail: xxxxxx@xxxx.xx.xx

Abstract and keywords

  1. The abstract (no more than 200 words) should start with the heading of "Abstract" after a blank line below the affiliations above and also appropriate several keywords should appear on this page.


This is the information to authors who want to submit their manuscripts to the Journal of MOLTEN SALTS published by the Molten Salt Committee of Japan ....

Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, keyword 5

Body text

  1. The text should typically consists of the following sections; 1. Introduction, 2. Experiment, 3. Results and Discussion, and 4. Conclusions. The sections should be numbered sequentially. The subsections can be used and should be numbered like 1.1, 1.2...
  2. The figures and tables referred for the first time in the text should be highlighted by red color in order to put them in appropriate places.
  3. Terminology, symbols, units and quantities should follow the IUPAC rules.
  4. Acknowledgments should be placed at the end of the text. The heading of "Acknowledgments" is unnecessary.
  5. References to the literature should be numbered in one consecutive series and listed after Acknowledgments.


1. Introduction
1.1 Backgrounds
2. Experiments
3. Results and Discussion
Fig. 1 shows ...
4. Conclusions


  1. The names of the journals in the literature1 should be given according to the Instructions for Authors for Electrochemistry.


1. K. Ueno and M. Seo, Denki Kagaku (presently Electrochemistry), 66, 713 (1998).
2. K. Matsumoto, A. Matsuoka, and K. Nakagawa, Denki Kagaku (presently Electrochemistry), 66, 537 (1998). [in Japanese]

Figures, Tables and Photos

  1. The width of figures should be less than 82 mm (the width of column). The font size should be larger than 8 points in the original figures.
  2. The width of tables should be less than 82 or 168 mm. The font size should be larger than 9 points.
  3. The width of photos should be less than 82 mm.
  4. Figures, tables and photos should be black and white. 
  5. Figures, tables and photos may be put in the word file of the text or in a separate word file.
  6. Each figure, table and photo must be placed in a single page.
  7. English captions are required for each figures, tables and photos with Times New Roman 9 points.

Length of Manuscript

  1. The submitted manuscript will be checked and formatted by Editorial Committee and printed after proofreading by the authors. The manuscript will be finally printed in a double-columned format with the font size of 9 points. The desirable number of pages is 6.
  2. The 6 page paper will be consist of 4-5 pages of the body text, 7-8 figures/tables/photos.

Inquiry to Authors

  1. The manuscript after formatting will be sent to the authors once in the PDF or Word file.
  2. The authors are requested to check the formatted manuscript although major modification is not allowed at this stage. Therefore, the authors should submit the manuscript after thorough consideration


Molten Salt Committee
Nobuyuki SERIZAWA, Ph. D
Department of Applied Chemistry

Faculty of Science and Technology

Keio University

3-14-1 Hiyoshi Kohoku-ku Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8522, Japan

Tel (+81)-45-566-1571 FAX (+81)-45-566-1571

E-mail: replace "_at_" with "@")

Revision history

2005.7.12 First edition
2006.1.18 Revised
2006.5.1 Revised
2006.12.4 Revised
2007.8.29 Revised
2009.4.1 Revised
2015.6.25 Revised
2018.1.31 Revised