Presentation type: Oral
・Presentation time is 20 minutes including Q&A. We recommend that the actual presentation be no longer than 15 minutes.
・We will prepare a Windows PC for the presentations. Please load your presentation file to the PC during the break time before the session. Please write your presentation number in the file name.
・You can also use your own PC. If you use your own PC, please be sure to check the connection to the projector during the break time before the session.
Presentation type: Poster
・Your poster must fit within the dimensions of A0 print format (841 x 1189 mm/33.1 x 46.8 inches).
・Your poster must be laid out vertically (portrait layout).
・All poster presentations MUST be in English.
・The paper title, poster number, names and affiliations of all authors MUST be at the top of the display.
・Recommended print size for the title is 1" to 2" (2.5 cm to 5 cm) high.
・Minimize written text, using only when needed to emphasize data and/or to stimulate discussion.
・All illustrations, drawings, charts, pictures, graphs, figures, and captions should be large enough to be read from a distance of 5'(1.5 m). Matted and finished photographs are recommended to enhance visibility.
・Posters must be displayed on the panel assigned to your poster number before the poster session begins (14:00, 14th Nov. (Tue)).
Deadline: May 31, 2023 June 30, 2023 (extended)
Deadline: August 31, 2023 September 30, 2023 (extended) (Early Bird: July 15, 2023)
Registration and abstract submission should be made through the online registration and abstract submission system, "confit".
You can directly access "confit" here.
All foreign participants must carry a valid passport, and in many cases a visa also. Since the Japanese visa application system is very strict, anyone who needs a visa should apply early, leaving enough time for processing and any possible corrections. In some cases, it takes a few months to get a visa after submitting an application.
You can find whether you need a visa or not, and how to apply for it, from the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. https://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/index.html
Application for visa is made by the applicant him/herself at the Japanese overseas establishments with jurisdiction over the area in which the applicant resides or those with jurisdiction over the country/region of which the applicant’s passport is issued.
We recommend that a participant obtains his/her own tourist visa if possible. If a participant has difficulty in obtaining a tourist visa, please contact official agent of MS12 VISA Support Desk (morohan.Kansai@hotmail.com) after finishing registration and full payment. Please send an email with "VISA Support for MS12" in the subject line and be sure to attach the receipt (PDF file) for your registration fee to the email. You can download the receipt (PDF file) from your Confit account.